Thursday, May 18, 2017

Day 3 - Reflection on the Complexity of the Reading Process

Today we had a chance to explore the complexity of the tasks that we need to do when reading. Last class we were given the opportunity to do a task analysis of the reading process. I did this rather quick thinking that I covered everything that we do to successfully read. Well I was way off! The amount of tasks that we need to complete simultaneously, while completing other tasks is mind-blowing. It's now wonder why many students have difficulty reading and learning to read. There are so many things that good readers need to do that if you struggle with one of them, the task of reading can be very daunting.

One comment that stood out to me today was, "Language is innate but the reading process is learned." Meaning that humans learn language naturally, it's a process that is automatic in our brain. While reading is a task that is developed my human, hence it is not automatic and is learned. Like anything that is learned, many factors play an important role in determining your success or not.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nick!
    The comment "Language is innate but the reading process is learned" was an "Aha" moment for me. As someone who doesn't struggle with reading, it is vey easy to make assumptions about the process. Automaticity does't happen for all of those who read, and we really need to be aware of this as we work with our students and make sure the team we work with are informed. Great Blog!
