Thursday, June 22, 2017

Final Refleciton

After completing this course I now know that there may not always be a simple solution when supporting our students' literacy challenges.  I now know the complexities of the tasks and skills needed to be a successful reader and writing. Before assistive technology can be implemented for user, AT and environment need to be considered. Consideration of these three factors will increase the likelihood of success for the student.

It’s important to remember that while there’s lots of AT available to support our students’ needs, we shouldn’t provide AT to replace skills the student is capable of performing. Learned helplessness of a student can be an even bigger challenge to address with regards to their learning.

Finally, the student needs to be giving ample training and practice using the AT to ensure its success. If independence and presumed competence with the AT is given before it is displayed, the AT could end up just being a wasted opportunity. 

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