Monday, May 29, 2017

Google Read & Write

Google Read & Write

After exploring Google Read & Write on Chrome this week, it has really opened up my eyes on how powerful a tool it is for students. It seems that often, students use multiple AT to support their learning needs. This inevitability causes trouble that further inhibit their learning. Google Read & Write provides multiple areas of support all-in-one. The one aspect that I found unique and interesting was the "Simplify Page" option. I have never seen that done before. The ability to simplify a page, clearing all the "clutter" and distractions would be extremely valuable to so many students. Students with attention difficulties, come to mind first but vulnerable student too. This would protect a student for clicking on potentially harmful or inappropriate ads and links that often surround a webpage. 

Image result for google read and write 


  1. Hi Nick,
    I like your comment about how R&W can be a great program which includes everything a student may need to communicate, instead of needing to use a variety of programs, leading to frustration, as you mentioned. I am fairly organized, but still have trouble remembering all the ins and outs of various computer programs/apps. I can't imagine how much extra work it could be for a student who struggles with organizational issues, among other things. I'd definitely like to try R&W with some students!

  2. I am in complete agreement with you regarding R&W! I had training in it two years ago but never really got the chance to use it within the classroom setting. I feel a lot more confident now using the features and I can see how features such as vocabulary and highlighter would be excellent resources for many students in the classroom – not just those with learning disabilities. It just goes to show how technology can be used to benefit many students in the class and is a great example of universal design.
